At the beginning of 2011, we set out with some friends in Hamburg, Germany to help street children and youth in great need in Germany. We collected donations with engagement campaigns such as charity walks and charity concerts in Hamburg. These were donated to the Stiftung Tapfere Kinder, a German organization that protects young people in need and offers them a chance for a better future. 

In the time since this first engagement in Hamburg, we continued our work together and broadened our support network, contributing to the Ocean Cleanup project, a conservation project for dolphins in Japan, and several others.

With the desire to serve all generations as well as animals and the environment, we then founded our own Hamburg-based association in 2017 called Menschen.Leben.e.V. We opened our own meeting space in a former kindergarten, where people of all generations could meet, enrich each other and exchange ideas. In this space we organized many activities to support children, families and pensioners in need.

With the start of the pandemic in 2020, we put the project “Hunger-Löscher” in motion. We masked up, went to the supermarket, and packed food parcels to deliver to families in need.

When pandemic restrictions persisted, we decided to close the meeting space and use the association’s resources to support projects that aligned with our purpose, not only in Hamburg but also throughout Germany and abroad.

Due to the increasingly international nature of the projects we supported, we decided to change the name of the association to Positive Global Change e.V. in the fall of 2023. This association supports the Spanish animal sanctuary -MÓN- La Bassa, where animals rescued from situations of risk or abuse can enjoy a second chance of life. They’ve continued executing our own projects in Germany, organizing and donating school supplies to German children through the project “Aktion Schulranzen”; paying sport club fees and donating football uniforms for children in need through the project “Spiel, Spaß und Bewegung”; they’ve financially supported several projects by the “Die Arche Kinderstiftung”, a German foundation whose main purpose is to support children and families in need.

Positive Global Change as a movement has since expanded its engagement and donor network in many other European countries through the association. So we set up an international foundation based in the Netherlands. The Stichting Positive Global Change Foundation has been in existence since summer 2024 and continues to expand our ability to work together to improve life on this planet for all beings by fostering sustainable practices, supporting education, and promoting social participation. 

The Earth is calling

If you close your eyes, you can hear the earth is calling.

And if you listen closer, the earth is calling your name.

The Earth is calling your name and the Earth says you were born to be a hero.

Real change begins within each of us.

Every small action we take can create a ripple effect, leading to a brighter, more compassionate world.

Let's join hands and make a difference together. 

Check out the video and let it move you to be the change you want to see.


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Your contributions will help us continue our mission to improve the lives of humans, animals, and the environment.

Together, we can make a positive impact.
